The Mediterranean Tourism Foundation’s Grand Prize

The Mediterranean Tourism Foundation’s Grand Prize

The Mediterranean Tourism Foundation’s Grand Prize with the motto Mediterranean Blue was awarded to the Founder and CEO of Tura Turizm Holding Mr. Erkunt Öner at the forum was organized fifth time in this year. Oner has been awarded for The Mediterranean Tourism Great Sea Award for merit distinction in four categories for the significant contributions of innovative tourism initiatives which are both competitive and sustainable in their character.

Mr. Erkunt Öner, who received the award at the Mediterranean Tourism Forum held between 1-3 March 2018 in Malta, said, “This award, which came in the times primarily our beautiful country and whole area, all of us go through a difficult period in tourism, especially has become a source of Great Morale. Thank you very much to those who contributed.”

Approximately 1500 participants from 39 countries attended to the meeting held at Malta Hilton Hotel. Mr. Erkunt Öner, speaking at the forum, said: “Freedom of travel should never be hindered. This is a violation of human rights,” he said.

The First name to congratulate Mr. Erkunt Öner was Malta President, his excellency Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.

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